Yesterday when leaving the gallery, I noticed a yellow sign posted on the trees across the street.
They are proposing: Cutting 5 or more beautiful, full grown trees.
What? Yes, cut 5 established trees...shade trees that add to the elegance of our street.
Trees are the lifeblood of the planet, trees produce oxygen, fight global warming, conserve water, maintain rain cycles that combats drought and fires, they shade and cool the earth, keep the dust down and they de-stress and relax us. Trees are the softening of our streetscape and add beauty to our downtown...Come on, what are they thinking?
Call this number to find out more. (503-361-2215) Share this with others...Let's do something to keep this from happening.
A meeting is planned for Wednesday, January 9th at 3:00 pm. It's at Pringle Community Hall, 606 Church Street. Please attend if you can.
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1 week ago
Keep the Trees!
I hope you can save the trees. They are very beneficial:
Thanks for writing about this!
I want to dissent a little, though. Your second picture shows the building in winter, and when the trees are leafed out, the canopy really obscures the building.
I like the west side (on Commercial) better now that the trees have been replaced and you can see the glorious cast iron facade. I hope that folks can find a compromise that opens up the canopy while also retaining tree cover. Ladd & Bush is one of Salem's architectural wonders, and it should be seen and admired!
Anyway, for some reason the meeting is not on the City's "public meeting" list, and it's great that you caught and highlighted it!
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