As an art buyer, we all know the feeling when we find that perfect piece of art.
We know it's right for us.

Painting by Elizabeth Bauman
We hang it in the perfect location, we walk by it incessantly...beaming with contentment. Yup...we love it.

Eric Fiskum, Salem Realtor,Tour of Homes
I love connecting the dots

I have a different perspective than most gallery owners, I understand two sides...creating (I was an ceramic artist for many years) and owning a gallery.

As a gallery owner, there are times when I call an artist to console them and explain why the client didn't like their work...I honestly understand how they feel because I still get that same gut wrenching feeling in the pit of my stomach.
I remember those same insecure thoughts of wondering if anyone really liked my work. I remember wanting to quit making art after hearing one negative comment. I would doubt myself as an artist.
On the other hand....
I also am also the deliverer of good news.

I love calling the artist after leaving a client and telling them how their work couldn't have been more perfect. I know how that one quick call lifts the spirits for their day. That's the best part of my job.
Art in the workplace
from start to
WVP Medical Group/Boulder Creek Clinic

Every time you purchase a piece of original artwork, you are encouraging an artist to continue in their creative path AND you're enriching the lives around's a good thing.
Studio Time
Breathing in, Breathing out, that's what I think of when I think of sandra (sloy) nichols. Art seems to be embedded in her existence. To me, she walks the walk and talks the talk. That's what I love about her.
Sloy works in her home studio with her artist husband dave "nic" nichols, both are surrounded by their art which has been carefully woven into their home.
Sloy works in her home studio with her artist husband dave "nic" nichols, both are surrounded by their art which has been carefully woven into their home.

When asked about sloy's latest artwork, this is what she wrote:
"i am a word artist. words work as
images in what i create. "flower"
and "power" are eye rhymes...the
"ower" and ower" called out to be
seen, so i was hooked and began
to create a soft sculpture using
canvas scraps left over from other
painting (and writing) projects."

"i began to see the images for the
flowers from the 60's, flower children,
with flowers in their hair, flowers on
their colorful clothing, putting a flower
in a bayoneted rifle as a symbol of
peace during the vietnam war, also
as the simplified pop flowers of andy
warhol silkscreens."
flowers from the 60's, flower children,
with flowers in their hair, flowers on
their colorful clothing, putting a flower
in a bayoneted rifle as a symbol of
peace during the vietnam war, also
as the simplified pop flowers of andy
warhol silkscreens."

Welcome to nic and sloy's living room, a place where art meets function

Breathe in, Breathe out