First are the letters which will be in individual folders by artist name. If someone wants to see the "inspiration" for the artwork, they can read the letter. We also have included artist statements and business cards.

Here are a few of the letters

Next are the bid books, each ending different times during the month.

Another task was to place names next to each piece with a number so people can reference the artwork with the artist.

For part of the "communication" piece, we have a suitcase full of stationery. We are asking the public to write letters or notes to the artists. Maybe give feedback or just say how much they enjoyed the artwork the artist made for the show. We will then send these letters to the artists. Another link to our letter writing.

We straightened up and are happy with how things looked.

If you look close at these walls, they are gridded to fit each 12" x 12" piece. You may notice on this wall that some of our artists created pieces larger than the 12" x 12"....we love them anyway.

A few pieces had to extend above the grid.

We think the show looks great...outside looking in.

Two late is Doug Dacar's porcelain letter tablet. He said it's his own made up language.

and...Jacob Sorenson's film projector that when turning the handle a light blinks behind the film. Pretty cool.