with the works by Katherine Mead was a success! The Opsis space on 17th and Lovejoy showcased the artwork perfectly! Even though it was a hot evening the turnout was great. The space is open to the public for the month plus we'll be there for First Thursday in August! Come on up!

Katherine was celebrating her 50th birthday with 50 paintings. These small landscapes were my favorites!

People watching...

Katherine asked her friends to give her advice for turning 50...Here they are: Boy...can I relate!
1. It's not what you did, it's what you got out of it.
2. Your brain has a longer shelf life than your body-excercise it well.
3. An acquaintance is someone you know-a friend is someone who knows
you (and likes you any ways).
4. There is no such thing as fun for the whole family.
5. "No offense" is usually followed by something extremely offensive.
6. As you age, true friends are harder to come by but much easier to recognize.
7. Know yourself. then be someone worth knowing.
8. At least once, everyday of your life, something will happen that was an episode of Seinfeld.
9. Your children rarely notice when you are right, but rarely fail to notice when you are wrong.
10. A true friend is always there for you-even when it's inconvenient.
11. Trying too hard to be young makes you seem even older.
12. Attitude is 90% of happiness-so the odds are in your favor.
13. Staying made will age you, annoy you, and ultimately earn you nothing.
14. What I should have said was....nothing.
15. Putting yourself first sometimes is good for the entire family-even martyrs are boring.
16. It's better to be liked
and respected.
17. Maturity and age don't necessarily go hand in hand.
18. Always having to win is a losing quality.
19. Perspective is most valuable when you have it.
20. Fifty is only middle age if you live to be 100.
21. The more you learn, the more apparent it is how little you know.
22. Always being curious, not botox, keeps you youthful.
23. The one thing I know for sure is that I'm not sure about much.
24. Accepting your flaws will make forgiving your mistakes much easier.
25. Multitasking is a way to do a great many things very badly.
26. Every modern convenience creates another inconvenient demand.
27. Do what you love and you will love what you do.
28. Just when we start to slow down life decides to speed up.
29. An older brain is like a full hard drive-it's only slow because it has so much information on. It takes a little time to access the data.
30. DNA determines more about us than we give it credit for.
31. Finding serenity is a hard fought battle.
32. It's not who you know-it's what you know.
33. I want to have character not be a character.
34. When you want things too much they elude you-when you relax they flow to you easily.
35. You have to work hard to make marriage look easy.
36. Our children make us most angry when we realize we are looking in the mirror.
37. Raising children is as much about being an example as anything else.
38. Being nice to people is almost always a good idea.
39. Gratitude is a precious commodity.
40. Make sure you have a really good laugh every day.
41. I need to be nice to a total stranger at least once everyday-it's a Karma thing.
42. Making lists is a good way to purge your mind of the mundane tasks of life and free up your mental hard drive for more creative thinking.
43. Traveling is a fundamental necessity-missing your connections a fundamental reality.
44. Comfort is settling in what you know-growing is getting out of your comfort zone.
45. Saying no and meaning it is much better than saying yes and not meaning it.
46. Never be afraid to ask a question or ask for help. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable is a sign of strength.
47. Information is learned, insight is earned.
48. The sheer beauty of 30,000 feet is more powerful than my sheer terror of heights.
49. Raising teenagers will test you and give you strength in unexpected ways.
50. Someone to love, something to do, something to look forward to.
Thanks Katherine.