I've been working on a quilt for the past year and am finally almost done.(I do have a life outside the gallery!) I have been picking up old woolen sweaters at various thrift stores, washing them in hot water and then cutting them into shapes. Layering and stitching the shapes has been fun until I had to figure out how I would turn it all into a quilt.
I really enjoy the creative process BUT hate to follow directions. When people would ask me..."how are you going to put it together?" I really didn't have an answer because I loved the process of creating the squares. After making a zillion of these and having them take over my house I decided that I would go into a quilt store to ask a few questions. After explaining what I was making and looking at their puzzled looks I realized that the quilt ladies at the store like to sew straight, cut straight lines and like order in their sewing lives. I was in the wrong place.
Since I don't particularly like to measure OR cut in straight lines I realized that I had to figure this out myself.